10 Myths About Groups


I want to dispel a few popular myths that exist about small groups:

  • Groups are for everyone – all of the time. It’s ok for people to take breaks from group life occasionally. Even Jesus retreated away from his small group from time-to-time.
  • Home groups are always better than Sunday School. I think that Sunday School type classes still have their place in some churches for certain people. A few churches do both pretty well.
  • Group leaders have to be well trained before starting a group. We teach that leaders just need to be one step ahead of the people they are leading. I am a big believer in “as-needed training.” More about that in another post.
  • Small groups are not weird. I guarantee that for most people, attending a small group for the first time was pretty weird. It was for me. But so was eating sushi.
  • Groups have to meet every week to be effective. I do believe that groups who meet more consistently bond quicker, but we have successful groups that have met every other week for years.
  • Only women really enjoy small groups. While it is true that women’s groups tend to gel faster, we have men’s groups that are changing the world.
  • Small groups are no longer effective in churches. As long as it’s still true that Jesus created disciples in a small group of 12 guys, I am going to keep following that example.
  • Groups are only for committed believers. More on this in a future post that may make you think a bit.
  • There is a perfect groups system. Because there are no perfect people. Community is messy.
  • A good community group can exist without food. This one may just be about me.

Anything that you would add?

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